Date: 16 October 2018

Time: 9.00 PM

Venue: TGV Cinemas, Sunway Velocity


电影讲述了从小在儿童之家长大的美琪(周秀娜 饰)担任酒店高层,过着风光的生活。但她美丽的外表下却有傲慢跋扈的性格,认为自己能独立胜任所有大小事,并常对属下大声呼喝。某天,美琪被老板的女儿赶出了公司,同时还遭到男朋友的背叛,瞬间跌到人生谷底!倒霉的事可不止这样,她还被流星雨碎片击中而重,苏醒后意外得到了见鬼的能力。80年代打扮的阿伯(吴耀汉饰)、中年汉爆牙辉 (葛民辉饰)及Auntie (邵美琪饰)从此缠上了美琪,还要求必须找一个阴年阴月阴日阴时出生的灵媒——张子进(张继聪饰)。 而往后美琪的生活会有何变化呢?  

While growing up at a children’s home, Mei Qi dreams of being a successful person one day. Now at age 30, she is a senior executive at a 5-star hotel. But then her best friend betrays her and steals her job and her boyfriend. To make things worse, she is hit by a meteor shower fragment and upon regaining consciousness, she is suddenly able to see three elderly spirits. They are friendly ghosts who bring happiness instead of terror, however, so she opens a themed hotel where the guests can get a good scare and a good laugh, while she completes the unfulfilled wishes of the three ghosts so they can move on in peace.